The best part about interviewing giving circle leaders around the country is that I get to talk to amazing people to doing amazing work. Pass The Hat members contribute $2/month to help families in their community who have been impacted by a tragedy. Unfortunately, a tragic accident or crime leaves families with not just grief but with piles of medical bill, legal fees, and funeral costs. Pass The Hat helps these families weather that financial storm.
There are lots in interesting and unique features about Pass The Hat: their 501c4 status, their rapid growth (1,100 members in one year), their partnering with community agencies, and their commitment to stick to their rules ($2/month by credit/debit card– no exceptions).
In this interview, there is much to learn, appreciate, and inspire.
Location: Bellingham, WA
Founded: 2012
Number of Members: 1,100
Right click to download the mp3 to your computer: Pass The Hat Interview