Jessica Bearman helped found the Moscow Women’s Giving Circle. I found out after I contacted her that she was instrumental in putting the giving circle resources together at the Giving Forum. I used this site extensively while putting together my giving circles, and I highly recommend checking them out.
Jessica and I spent a lot of time talking about how her giving circle has changed over time and how they’ve adapted to the different desires of the members, incorporated the lessons they learned, and maintained a healthy giving circle over the years. She refers to giving circles as the Home Depot of Philanthropy.
Listen to this informative interview to find out more.
Location: Moscow, ID
Founded: 2007
Members: 50-60
Interview length: 28:52
Clicking on the interview will play the audio in your browser, or you can right click to download the mp3 to your computer: Moscow Women’s Giving Circle
How has your giving circle changed over time?