Start a Giving Circle
or Learn From Others Running Giving Circles
A giving circle is a group of people who pool their donations because we know that together we leverage our time, money, and intellectual resources to GIVE BETTER AND GIVE BIGGER. We want to make a big impact on our communities and our world.
I’m delighted to share this information with you, because I know these resources provide valuable information about giving circles– how to start a giving circle, how to run a giving circle, and lots of ideas and strategies currently used by and working for giving circles across the country.
3 Ways to Use This Website:
Giving Circle Interviews
Listen to Mp3 interviews with founders, leaders, and members of giving circles who share their best practices and experiences. We talk about recruiting new members, structuring grant cycles, challenges they experience, and successes they’ve had. Each interview lasts about 25 minutes and you can download to your IPOD to listen to at a time that works for you.
Giving Circle Articles
Find tools for starting and running giving circles including templates and checklists.
I keep developing new tools and best practices that come out of facilitating my giving circles and talking with leaders of other circles, so if you have a question or are dealing with a specific issue that these tools don’t address, contact me. I might be able to help.
I make extensive use of categories, so browse the categories listed in the sidebar to discover blog posts related to that topic.